The Facilities Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for sustaining the quality and functionality of the City of Bloomington’s buildings and structures (outside of those owned by the Parks & Recreation and Utilities Departments). These include a total of 18 individual municipal buildings, 4 parking garages and 5 surface parking lots, as well as upkeep and maintenance of 5 facilities owned by the City of Bloomington Redevelopment Commission.
Annual statistics for the Facilities Maintenance Division includes data for total budget allocation, number of personnel assigned, buildings maintained, total vehicles and gallons of unleaded fuel used (data on fuel usage goes back to 2015, when the Facilities Maintenance Division assumed responsibility of the City's pool cars, which are vehicles that can be reserved and used by any City of Bloomington employee for official business).
Note: Public Works Department division data sets prior to 2014 are available upon request.